Mark Wilson


Professor Mark Wilson


Mark Wilson is a Consultant Neurosurgeon and Pre-Hospital Care Specialist. He is
Professor of Practice Brain Injury at Imperial College.

Mark initially worked for NASA in 1994 developing a device to non-invasively monitor
intracranial pressure (ICP) in astronauts. He subsequently investigated the effects of hypoxia on the brain leading the neurotrauma work of the UCL Xtreme Everest study in 2007. He has worked extensively overseas before taking up his current role
establishing the Neurotrauma service at St Mary's Major Trauma Centre. His areas of specialist interest include acute traumatic brain injury and brain hypoxia. He has cofounded a number of innovations, most recently the GoodSAM project

Talk summary:

Space Adaptation Syndrome and Visual Impairment Intracranial Pressure are
neurological disorders associated with microgravity. Investigating them has many
parrallels with both human conditions (idiopathic intracranial hypertension) and the
physiology of extremes. This lecture will go through our current understanding of the
effects of microgravity on the brain.