Mr Mark Wilson
Mr Mark Wilson
- Consultant Neurosurgeon at Imperial College
- Pre-Hospital Care Specialist with London's Air Ambulance.
His research interest is the hyper-acute management of brain injury the effects of hypoxia on the brain. His research work started with NASA in 1994 investigating Intracranial pressure in astronauts, and then after working overseas, he led the neurosciences research on Xtreme Everest in 2007. The translation of this work into the neuro-critical care world is significant and places greater emphasis on the inability of the venous system to drain hypoxia induced increased cererbal blood flow.
- MH Wilson, A Wright, CHE Imray Intracranial Pressure at Altitude High Altitude Medicine & Biology 15 (2), 123-132
- Christopher Imray, Colin Chan, Alison Stubbings, Hannah Rhodes, Susannah Patey, Mark H Wilson, Damian M Bailey, Alex D Wright Time Course Variations in the Mechanisms by Which Cerebral Oxygen Delivery Is Maintained on Exposure to Hypoxia/Altitude High Altitude Medicine and Biology 15:1 21-27 1/3/2014
- Philip N Ainslie, Mark H Wilson, Christopher HE Imray Cerebral Circulation and the Brain in High Altitude, Springer 141-170, New York 2014
- Wilson MH, Davagnanam I, Holland G, Dattani RS, Tamm A, Hirani SP, Kolfschoten N, Strycharczuk L, Green C, Thornton J, Wright A, Edsell M, Kitchen N, Sharp DJ, Ham TE, Nurray A, Holloway CJ, Clarke K, Grocott MPW, Montgomery H, Imray C Cerebral venous system and anatomical predisposition to high altitude headache Annals of Neurology April 2013
- Wilson MH, Imray, C and Hargens, A The Headache of High Altitude and Microgravity. Similarities with Clinical Syndromes of Cerebral Venous Hypertension High Altitude Medicine and Biology Dec 2011
Casey, DP, Imray CH, Wilson MH et al Comments on Point:Counterpoint: High Altitude is/is not for the birds! Journal of Applied Physiology Nov 2011 (5): 1520-4
- Wilson MH, Mark Edsell M, Davagnanam I, Hirani SP, Martin D, Levett DZH, Thornton J, Golay X, Strycharczuk L, Newman S; Montgomery H; Grocott MPW and Imray CHE for the Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group. Cerebral artery dilatation maintains cerebral oxygenation at extreme altitude and in acute hypoxia - an ultrasound and MRI study.Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2011;31(10):2019-2029
- Wilson MH, Levett DZ, Dhillon S, Mitchell K, Morgan J, Grocott MP, Imray C. Stroke at high altitude diagnosed in the field using portable ultrasound. Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2011;22(1):54-7
- Bird B, Wright A, Wilson MH, Johnson B, Imray C High Altitude Ataxia - Its Assessment and Relevance Wilderness and Environmental Medicine 2011: 22 (2) 172-176
- Levett DZH, Martin DS, Wilson MH, Mitchell K, Dhillon S, Rigat F, Montgomery HE, Mythen MG, Grocott MPW; for the Caudwell Xtreme Everest Research Group. Design and conduct of Caudwell Xtreme Everest: an observational cohort study of variation in human adaptation to progressive environmental hypoxia.
BMC Medical Research Methodology 2010 Oct 21;10(1):98.
- Grocott, PW, Martin, DS, Wilson, MH, Mitchell, K, Dhillon, S, Mythen, M, Montgomery, HE and Levett, DZ Caudwell Xtreme Everest Expedition. High Altitude Medicine and Biology Summer 2010. 11(2): 139-145
- Barratt, H, Wilson, MH, Moore, F, Raine, R The Implications of the NICE guidelines on neurosurgical management of all severe head injuries: systematic review.Emergency Medical Journal 2010; 27:173-178
- Wilson, MH, Newman, S & Imray CH The cerebral effects of ascent to high altitudes Lancet Neurology Feb 2009 8:2 175-91
- Wilson, MH, Edsell M, Imray C & Wright A. Changes in pupil dynamics at high altitude--an observational study using a handheld pupillometer High Altitude Medicine and Biology Winter 2008 9:4 319-25
- Wilson, MH & Milledge, J. Direct measurement of intracranial pressure at high altitude and correlation of ventricular size with acute mountain sickness: NeurosurgeryNov 2008 63:970-974
- Torikoshi S, Wilson MH, Ballard RE, Watenpaugh DE, Murthy G, Yost WT, Cantrell J, Chang DS, Hargens AR.Ultrasound Measurement of transcranial distance during head-down tilt J. Grav. Physiol May 1995; 2 (1) 145-146
- Matthew R Sanborn, Mark E Edsell, Meeri N Kim, Rickson Mesquita, Mary E Putt, Chris Imray, Heng Yow, Mark H Wilson, Arjun G Yodh, Mike Grocott, Daniel S Martin Cerebral Hemodynamics at Altitude: Effects of Hyperventilation and Acclimatization on Cerebral Blood Flow and Oxygenation Wilderness & environmental medicine 18th March 2015