Dr Denny Levett - Associate Director

Denny (15)

Dr Denny Levett, MA MRCP FRCA


  • SpR Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
  • Honorary Lecturer, Division of Surgery and Interventional Science, University College London
  • Deputy Director, Centre for Altitude, Space and Extreme Environment Medicine, UCL

Denny Levett is a Research Fellow at UCL and critical care registrar at Southampton Hospital. She was the Deputy Research Leader for the Caudwell Extreme Everest expedition in 2007 and led the exercise testing research. This involved planning and performing over 2000 exercise tests at altitude. In 2013 she led the exercise testing research on Xtreme Everest 2 and managed the laboratory in Kathmandu. Her PhD thesis investigates the changes in functional capacity and exercise efficiency that occur in hypoxia.

She has been reporting clinical Cardiopulmonary Exercise Tests (CPET) at University College Hospital and the Whittington Hospital since 2006. She currently analyses the tests for an RfPB randomized controlled trial investigating the utility of CPET for peri-operative risk stratification at UCH and Southampton. She is the chair of the National Perioperative CPET Course and regularly teaches CPET to clinicians and physiologists.

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