Where There's A Will

Where There's A Will

Heather Parsons
Heather Parsons

Where There's A Will is attempting to raise funds to enhance the follow up and rehabilitation services available to patients as well as to continue to provide a support group for those affected by a stay in ICU at Southampton General Hospital.

ICU is a life saving service that deals with a multitude of illnesses and traumas. However for some patients who stay is unplanned, the experience can have a long term impact on both their physical and mental health.

Whilst on a skiing trip in 2002 with her son, Heather sadly caught the flesh eating bug necrotising fasciitis. Fifteen operations, a cardiac arrest and kidney failure during her six week stay in ICU left long lasting mental scars. Heather has set up the charity to help other patients and families through this traumatic time.

She left her job and took up a volunteer role at Southampton General Hospital on the ICU unit. Many cake sales and sponsored walks later, she has raised a fantastic £30,000 for the unit which has helped to fund specialist physiotherapy and counseling sessions. She has also launched a monthly support group and a weekly keep fit group. and continues to expand her charity work.

Another achievement has been the development of an app that can be used by patients who are unable to communicate, which is used in conjunction with the iPad purchased by the charity for the unit.

To find out more about the charity, please visit Where There's A Will