Can Ince
Can Ince PhD is a physiologist interested in cardiovascular aspects of peri-operative medicine. He is a professor at the Academic Medical Centre (AMC) of the University of Amsterdam where he heads up the Dept of Translational Physiology.
He is further a member of the Department of Intensive Care of the Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam as staff physiologist. He has a PhD in Immunology/Physiology (University of Leiden) and MSc and BSc degrees in Electronic engineering (University of Birmingham UK, Technical University of Delft Netherlands).
Dr Ince is past president of the Dutch Physiological Society and of the International Society for Oxygen Transport to Tissue (ISOTT). In 2003 he founded MicroVision Medical, a company dedicated to the clinical development of optical spectroscopic devices for clincial monitoring of the functional properties of the microcirculation and tissue cells. His interests include basic and clinical aspects of sepsis, ischemia-reperfusion, resuscitation, blood transfusion, fluids, renal physiology, cardiac surgery, medical technology, extreme physiology and intensive care medicine.