Xtreme Everest Publications

The Xtreme Everest research portfolio has been generated by a diverse group of healthcare workers, scientists and others. In some cases, the papers published relate to a particular research expedition, such as Caudwell Xtreme Everest or Xtreme Everest 2. However, some of the publications are more generic. Please see the links to the right of this page for details of reviews, abstracts, case reports and other publications.

When publishing research generated by our larger expeditions, it is impossible to list all the investigators as authors. Where this is the case we have included the expedition 'research group' as an author on each paper. Please see the links on the right of this page for the research group membership for these expeditions.

The expeditions/projects they relate to can be found in bold above each title:

  • CO05 - Cho Oyu (2005)
  • CO06 - Cho Oyu (2006)
  • SLT07 - Sea-Level Testing (2007)
  • CXE07 - Caudwell Xtreme Everest (2007)
  • SMYES07 - Smiths Medical Young Everest Study (2007)
  • CXE09 - Caudwell Xtreme Everest (2009)
  • XA10 - Xtreme Alps (2010)
  • BEDSCH12 - Bedford School (2012)
  • SAS12 - Simulated Altitude Study (2012)
  • EMC212 - Epigenetics Chamber Study (2012)
  • XE213 - Xtreme Everest 2 (2013)
  • YES213 - Young Everest Study 2 (2013)
  • XEX17 - Xtreme Everest 10th Anniversary (2017)

Other relates to any publication that does not relate directly to one of our research expeditions, but still encompasses one of our research themes or interests.