Apply now for a MSc in Perioperative Medicine at UCL

8th Aug 2017

There is still time to apply for the University College London MSc in Perioperative Medicine. The MSc is designed for doctors (anaesthetists, surgeons, physicians) and nurse specialists engaged in the management of patients in the perioperative period, and who are committed to developing expertise in perioperative care through active participation in this innovative education forum.

The course, which is taught entirely through distance e-learning methodology (including podcasts, online seminar and written text to name a few) is suitable for distance learners also.

The whole area of perioperative medicine is evolving and becoming an exciting field to work in. This new MSc allows those working in the field an opportunity to learn about the challenges posed by high risk patients, by "walking the patient journey" from diagnosis to discharge.Students will also have the chance to undertake a piece of research in the style of a peer reviewed journal, of which they will be encouraged to publish.

Core modules

  • The Landscape of Perioperative Medicine
  • Towards a New Model in Perioperative Care
  • Data and Statistics in Perioperative Care
  • Quality, Safety and Leadership in Perioperative Care
  • The Evolving Paradigm in Perioperative Care
  • Perioperative Pain and Cancer Disease
  • Perioperative Issues for an Ageing Population
  • Special Topics in Perioperative Care

For more information about start dates and costs, visit the dedicated MSc page here

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